Sex, Sexuality, Sexual Identity, Sexual Orientation, Sexual Behavior
I came across this interesting Health Information for New Zealanders page that had definitions for these words. These are words I use frequently and often interchangeably so I thought that getting good working definitions would be useful. I took what they posted as a genesis but added further research to come up with these definitions.
(Note: These definitions are by no means universally accepted, while trolling the Net I came across many contradictory definitions.)
(Note: These definitions are by no means universally accepted, while trolling the Net I came across many contradictory definitions.)
Sex has multiple meanings. It refers to our physical distinction as female or male on the basis of our reproductive organs. It also refers to physical intimacy directed reproduction, or simply sexual gratification. It is the "doing" or physical part including touching, kissing, rubbing, licking and intercourse. It also refers to the genitals (especially in bad erotica.)
Sexuality is who we are as sexual being - our erotic desires, fantasies and feelings. It is how we express sexual sensation and related emotional intimacy. We are always sexual beings, no matter when, how, if, or with whom we choose to express that. Sexuality is lasts for life, it doesn't just turn on and off when we are having sex with someone.
Sexual Identity means who we identify ourselves as being - heterosexual, lesbian, gay, or bisexual. Our sexual identity can also be different in public than in private. For example, a man who is attracted to men identify publicly as heterosexual. Among friends, he may feel confident and supported enough to declare his identity as gay.
Sexual Orientation means to whom we are attracted (men only, women only, or men and women). Which gender(s) that is the focus of our amorous desires.
Sexual Behavior is with whom we actually have sex - men only, women only, or men and women.