Friday, June 24, 2005

Eyes Wide Shut

She writes:

As a trade journalist I interview people in my oh-so-dry industry all the time. They are usually standard fare, you can't help but wonder as you are asking questions "Who the heck cares?" But it pays the bills so I do it. Renard though was different. From the first minute of our first telephone conversation he flirted incessantly with me. And it did not stop with that call; in the following weeks he would call and text leaving me innuendo filled messages. He was never a bother and I actually found the attention very flattering.

Shortly after I first interviewed Renard I found out that I was pregnant. BF and I had been trying to get pregnant for about a year and a half. We were beyond ecstatic. I miscarried at 8 weeks. I crashed; it had to be the low point of my life. At the time I needed him most the 200 miles in our long distance relationship seemed unbearable. I was sad, I was angry. I took time off work, bought a bottle of dark rum and closed myself in my apartment and wept.

A few hours and half a bottle later I called Renard. "So", I asked "Are you all talk or do you really want to meet?"

I stood at the hotel room door. I knew it would be unlocked. I pulled a Hermes scarf out of my purse and blindfolded myself. I stepped inside, closed the door behind me, stood there and said "Hi."

No more words were spoken. His soft hands caressed me, we kissed tenderly and then he carried me to the bed. He was a glorious lover and the blindfold heightened my sensations. After we were done, he kissed me gently. Then I heard the door shut. I never did see his face.

I never did meet Renard again. BF found correspondence between us on my computer so I stopped communicating with him. It is however one of the hottest experiences of my life. Something I will never do again, but something I needed that day.